England’s Immigrants 1330 – 1550 Resident Aliens in the Late Middle Ages

Showing results 1 - 35 of 35
Breton, William Breton, William Breton 26 November 1523 -
Cornwall, Cubert
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Burgan, John Burgan, John - 20 December 1523 -
Devon, Chivelstone
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[...], Peter [...], Peter - 20 December 1523 -
Devon, Chivelstone
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Brytten, Alys Brytten, Alys Breton 20 December 1523 -
Devon, Chivelstone
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Shawe, Gyllam Shawe, Gyllam - 20 December 1523 -
Devon, Kingswear
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Peter, Stephen Peter, Stephen French 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Balaath, John Balaath, John French 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Nycholas, John Nycholas, John Breton 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Mesar, Laurence a Mesar, Laurence a French 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Danyell, Godfrey Danyell, Godfrey French 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Gamlyn, Thomas Gamlyn, Thomas French 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Rey, John Rey, John French 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Ducheman, Diric Ducheman, Diric 'Dutch' 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Ducheman, Martin Ducheman, Martin 'Dutch' 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Ducheman, Peter Ducheman, Peter 'Dutch' 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Ingelbere, Roger Ingelbere, Roger 'Dutch' 18 April 1524 -
Dorset, Sherborne
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Cristian, Jamyes Cristian, Jamyes - c. 1524 -
Essex, West Ham
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Pope, Derik Pope, Derek 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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[...], James [...], James Scot 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Grey, Thomas Grey, Thomas Scot 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Genyn, John Genyn, John 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Baker, Derik Baker, Derek 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Bruer, Cornelius Bruer, Cornelius 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Daungers, John Daungers, John French 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Derykson, John Derykson, John 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Doucheman, Frederick Doucheman, Frederick 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Williamson, John Williamson, John 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Westfallyng, Edward Westfallyng, Edward Westphalian 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Chertman, Garard Chertman, Garard 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Gysar, John Gysar, John 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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[...], Cornelius [...], Cornelius 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Prot, James Prot, James Scot 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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[...], Thomas [...], Thomas Scot 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Bruer, Harry Bruer, Harry 'Dutch' 16 April 1524 -
Kent, Worthgate ward
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Frenchman, Peter Frenchman, Peter French c. 9 February 1524 -
Somerset, Chiselborough
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