England’s Immigrants 1330 – 1550 Resident Aliens in the Late Middle Ages

E 179/141/88, m. 1 [2348]

Archive: The National Archives
Reference: E 179/141/88
Sub-reference: m. 1
Document Type: tax assessment
Document Date: 12 July 1464
Notes: The document is divided into four groups: householders assessed in all four collections; householders assessed in the last two collections; non-householders assessed in all four collections; non-householders assessed in the last two collections. A note is made for those who were only assessed in the last two collections.

Tax Collections

1453 alien subsidy, 21st collection
1453 alien subsidy, 22nd collection
1453 alien subsidy, 23rd collection
1453 alien subsidy, 24th collection

Persons named in record

Nicolas, John
Rust, Garley
Folkyn, Court
Organmaker, William
Ruswyk, Bronyng
Taillour, Goddeschalf
Cobeler, Henry
Goldsmyth, Peter
Standsfast, William
Cobeler, John
Loksmyth, Albryght
Vandore, Deryk
Johnson, Gerard
Herryson, Richard
Godfray, Herman
Clayson, Cornelus
Richardson, Henry
Patenmaker, Paul
Lokyer, Gerard
Mathewe, John
Braban, Stephen
Bremer, Philip
James, John
Cordener, Frank
Hunt, Henry
Greteloff, John
Vambourn, Deryk
Petir, Nannyng
Cordener, Herman
Affen, John
Cole, William
Mathewe, John
Cole, Leonard
Standfast, Peter
Crombe, Lambert
Dewys, John
Albryghtson, Albryght
Swale, John a
Peterson, Raynold
Isbrand, Tyse
Brekman, Cornelius
Martyn, Peter
Taillour, Geoffrey
Dreyman, John
Herman, Peter
Rumboldson, Cornelius
Couper, Adrian
Taillour, Clays
Hegge, Jacobus
Barbour, Lambe
Mathew, John
Ousenbrik, Arnold
Fanhorn, Daniel
Cokeson, Richard
Cole, John
Andrew, Garlabrond
Johnson, Simon
Taillour, Jacobus
Stafson, Arnold
Nabill, Hermon
Wyk, John de
Eperyng, Godfrey
Thomas, John
Johnson, Cornelius
Taylour, John
Byrebrewer, Henry
Maynard, John
Gerard, Frank
Wyke, John
Postowe, Henry
James, Peter
John, Herman
Lyberson, Herman
James, John
Hale, John
Hatney, Edward
Falcomber, John
Rust, Peter
Rust, Godfrey
Johnson, Nicholas
Flemmyng, Gerard
Wylliam, William
Hanson, Nicholas
Bust, Adrian
Hundesley, Peter
Banman, Walter
Paule, Peter
Selonder, John
Clays, James
Russel, Lion
Wall, Godfrey at
Surr, John
Est, George
Peter, Laurence
Gerard, Herman
Horry, Richard
Vanbrok, Henry
Boys, Michell
Tryte, Lambertus
Ruarre, John
Burs, John a
Dymer, Peter
Browen, John
John, Elias
Johnson, Bowen
Abowen, Gerard
Post, Gerard a
Peter, John
Marrant, John
Pest, Palmer
Cambe, John
Purs, Paul
Johnson, William
Abene, Simon
Neuman, John a
Nicolas, Peter
Gaunt, John a
Bussher, John
Peter, Roland
Johnson, James
Milys, Keys
Nicolasson, Simon
Jamesson, Bernard
Lappe, William
Mordale, John
Gerardson, John
Palmer, John
William, Giles
Palle, Robert
Sampson, Edward
Arnoldson, Arnold
Herryson, John
Petir, Cornelius
Peterson, John
Johnson, Adrian
Pyers, Henry
Herry, Albryght
Arnoldson, Edward
Tope, Nicholas
Johnson, Deryk
Dyryk, Bremer
Rolf, Henry
Couper, Nicholas
Trons, John
Derykson, Peter
James, John
Holt, Henry
Emmyng, Arnold
John, Hugh
Johnson, Christopher
Rumwode, Matthew
Bryght, Hans
Coyfford, John
Vandouer, Henry
Maluson, Hans
Midelburgh, Nicholas
Fankyn, Jacobus
Vyne, Anthony de
Williamson, Adrian
Mattys, John
Beek, Martin
Camp, John
Lokyer, Gerard
Garardson, John
Cordiner, James
Cordiner, Nicholas
Johnson, James
Cornelysson, Jacobus
Huys, John
Hoke, Peter
Deryk, Cornelius
Dusshe, John
Garard, John
Cordiner, Raynkyn
Hans, John
Baron, Jasper
James, Peter
Petirson, Simon
Scryvener, Peter
Bell, John
West, John
Hans, John
Brewer, Jacobus
Migwyk, Gerard
Harson, Arnold
Myke, John
Panys, Henry

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England’s Immigrants 1330 – 1550 (www.englandsimmigrants.com, version 1.0, 18 January 2025), http://www.englandsimmigrants.com/document/2348