In conjunction with the Institute for the Public Understanding of the Past at the University of York, England’s Immigrants 1330-1550 is building working relationships with three impact partners in order to make the project meaningful to non-academic audiences:
The National Archives (TNA)
The project’s relationship with TNA is two-fold. The institution is supporting the data-collection phase with two of our researchers based there and enjoying full use of the facilities and liaison support from Dr Sean Cunningham. The project will also be working closely with the Education and Outreach Department, in particular looking at ways to develop materials for the National Curriculum Key Stage 3 theme on the impact on the UK of the movement of diverse peoples.
British Association for Local History (BALH)
The project is co-operating with the BALH in order to make the research as widely available to its members and associates, from academics to the general public.
The project will be working with the publisher of the magazine in order to publicise the project and its findings to as wide an audience as possible across a variety of media.
The project will be working with the HA in order to introduce the research to all ages in education and make it relevant to the National Curriculum’s history and citizenship syllabi.